1. Modularization of the UML Metamodel Using Model Slicing
2. A. Bergmayr M. Wimmer W. Retschitzegger and U. Zdun. Taking the pick out of the bunch-type-safe shrinking of metamodels. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik page 85 2013. A. Bergmayr M. Wimmer W. Retschitzegger and U. Zdun. Taking the pick out of the bunch-type-safe shrinking of metamodels. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik page 85 2013.
3. Eclipse.org. Emf compare - compare and merge your emf models 2014. URL http://www.eclipse.org/emf/ compare/overview.html. Accessed : 2014-06-30. Eclipse.org. Emf compare - compare and merge your emf models 2014. URL http://www.eclipse.org/emf/ compare/overview.html. Accessed : 2014-06-30.
4. Eclipse.org. File:ATL EMFTVM trace.png 2015. URL https://wiki.eclipse.org/File:ATL_EMFTVM_ Trace.png. Accessed : 2015-05-18. Eclipse.org. File:ATL EMFTVM trace.png 2015. URL https://wiki.eclipse.org/File:ATL_EMFTVM_ Trace.png. Accessed : 2015-05-18.