1. 2018.. https://www.loop11.com/ux-industry-study/ 2018.. https://www.loop11.com/ux-industry-study/
2. Teresa Amabile. 2011. Componential theory of creativity. Harvard Business School Boston MA. Teresa Amabile. 2011. Componential theory of creativity. Harvard Business School Boston MA.
3. Finding and reminding
4. Michael Mose Biskjaer , Peter Dalsgaard , and Kim Halskov . 2010 . Creativity Methods in Interaction Design . In Proceedings of DESIRE 2010. Michael Mose Biskjaer, Peter Dalsgaard, and Kim Halskov. 2010. Creativity Methods in Interaction Design. In Proceedings of DESIRE 2010.
5. "Stuff goes into the computer and doesn't come out"