1. Algorithms Computation and Mathematics School Mathematics Study Group Vroman 1966. Algorithms Computation and Mathematics School Mathematics Study Group Vroman 1966.
2. Campbell G. M. and L. C. Jansson. "Computer Costs and Capabilities for Instruction and Administration " accepted for publication in NASSP Bulletin (National Association of Secondary School Principals). Campbell G. M. and L. C. Jansson. "Computer Costs and Capabilities for Instruction and Administration " accepted for publication in NASSP Bulletin (National Association of Secondary School Principals).
3. Computer-Assisted Instruction and the Teaching of Mathematics Washington D.C.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1969. Computer-Assisted Instruction and the Teaching of Mathematics Washington D.C.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1969.
4. Computer Education For Teachers in Secondary Schools—An Outline Guide International Federation for Information Processing (WG 3.1) 1970 and 1971. Computer Education For Teachers in Secondary Schools—An Outline Guide International Federation for Information Processing (WG 3.1) 1970 and 1971.
5. Computers in the Mathematics Classroom: A Selected Bibliography Washington D.C.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1971. Computers in the Mathematics Classroom: A Selected Bibliography Washington D.C.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1971.