1. Thompson J. B. and Edwards H. 2009. Preparing Graduate Students for Industry and Life Long Learning: - A Project Based Approach. In Education and Technology for a Better World: 9th World Conference on Computers in Education-WCCE 2009 (Bento Gonçalves Brazil July 27-31 2009). Thompson J. B. and Edwards H. 2009. Preparing Graduate Students for Industry and Life Long Learning: - A Project Based Approach. In Education and Technology for a Better World: 9th World Conference on Computers in Education-WCCE 2009 (Bento Gonçalves Brazil July 27-31 2009).
2. Large-scale complex IT systems
3. Using game level design as an applied method for Software Engineering education
4. X3D-UML
5. Alvergren J. and Granqvist J. 2009.3D Visualization of Complex Software Models: Practical Use and Limitations. Bachelor of Software Engineering and Management Thesis. University of Gothenbur. Sweden May. Alvergren J. and Granqvist J. 2009.3D Visualization of Complex Software Models: Practical Use and Limitations. Bachelor of Software Engineering and Management Thesis . University of Gothenbur. Sweden May.