1. Alexa Web Information Service. http://www.alexa.com. Alexa Web Information Service. http://www.alexa.com.
2. Cassandra. http://cassandra.apache.org. Cassandra. http://cassandra.apache.org.
3. Mobility First Future Internet Architecture Project. http://mobilityfirst.cs.umass.edu/. Mobility First Future Internet Architecture Project. http://mobilityfirst.cs.umass.edu/.
4. mongoDB. http://www.mongodb.org/. mongoDB. http://www.mongodb.org/.
5. Server fault: DNS - Any way to force a name server to update the record of a domain? http://serverfault.com/questions/41018. Server fault: DNS - Any way to force a name server to update the record of a domain? http://serverfault.com/questions/41018.