1. Geo-indistinguishability
2. Spatial and Temporal Dynamics in Air Pollution Exposure Assessment
3. Capacity analysis of a city-wide V2V network
4. David H Epstein , Matthew Tyburski , Ian M Craig , Karran A Phillips , Michelle L Jobes , Massoud Vahabzadeh , Mustapha Mezghanni , Jia-Ling Lin , C Debra M Furr-Holden, and Kenzie L Preston . 2014 . Real-time tracking of neighborhood surroundings and mood in urban drug misusers: application of a new method to study behavior in its geographical context. Drug and alcohol dependence 134 (2014), 22--29. David H Epstein, Matthew Tyburski, Ian M Craig, Karran A Phillips, Michelle L Jobes, Massoud Vahabzadeh, Mustapha Mezghanni, Jia-Ling Lin, C Debra M Furr-Holden, and Kenzie L Preston. 2014. Real-time tracking of neighborhood surroundings and mood in urban drug misusers: application of a new method to study behavior in its geographical context. Drug and alcohol dependence 134 (2014), 22--29.
5. A Closer Look