Federated Recommender System Based on Diffusion Augmentation and Guided Denoising


Di Yicheng1ORCID,Shi Hongjian2ORCID,Wang Xiaoming3ORCID,Ma Ruhui2ORCID,Liu Yuan1ORCID


1. School of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, Jiangnan University, China

2. School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

3. Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology, China


Sequential recommender systems often struggle with accurate personalized recommendations due to data sparsity issues. Existing works use variational autoencoders and generative adversarial network methods to enrich sparse data. However, they often overlook diversity in the latent data distribution, hindering the model’s generative capacity. This characteristic of generative methods can introduce additional noise in many cases. Moreover, retaining personalized user preferences through the generation process remains a challenge. This work introduces DGFedRS, a Federated Recommender System Based on Diffusion Augmentation and Guided Denoising, designed to capture the diversity in the latent data distribution while preserving user-specific information and suppressing noise. In particular, we pre-train the diffusion model using the recommender dataset and use a diffusion augmentation strategy to generate interaction sequences, expanding the sparse user-item interactions in the discrete space. To preserve user-specific preferences in the generated interactions, we employ a guided denoising strategy to guide the generation process during reverse diffusion. Subsequently, we design a noise control strategy to reduce the damage to personalized information during the diffusion process. Additionally, a stepwise scheduling strategy is devised to input generated data into the sequential recommender model based on their challenge levels. The success of the DGFedRS approach is demonstrated by thorough experiments conduct on three real-world datasets.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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