1. A graph-based, multi-resolution algorithm for tracking objects in presence of occlusions
2. Bags of Graphs for Human Action Recognition
3. A structural approach to Person Re-identification problem
4. Akshay Rangesh , Pranav Maheshwari , Mez Gebre , Siddhesh Mhatre , Vahid Ramezani , and Mohan M Trivedi . 2021 . Trackmpnn: A message passing graph neural architecture for multi-object tracking. arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.04206(2021). Akshay Rangesh, Pranav Maheshwari, Mez Gebre, Siddhesh Mhatre, Vahid Ramezani, and Mohan M Trivedi. 2021. Trackmpnn: A message passing graph neural architecture for multi-object tracking. arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.04206(2021).
5. A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks