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3. 2020. NVIDIA(R) CUBLAS Library. https://www.nvidia.com/ 2020. NVIDIA(R) CUBLAS Library. https://www.nvidia.com/
4. Martín Abadi Paul Barham Jianmin Chen Zhifeng Chen Andy Davis Jeffrey Dean Matthieu Devin Sanjay Ghemawat Geoffrey Irving and Michael Isard. 2017. Tensorflow: A system for large-scale machine learning. In 12th $USENIX$ Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation ($OSDI$ 17). 265–283. https://www.usenix.org/conference/osdi16/technical-sessions/presentation/abadi Martín Abadi Paul Barham Jianmin Chen Zhifeng Chen Andy Davis Jeffrey Dean Matthieu Devin Sanjay Ghemawat Geoffrey Irving and Michael Isard. 2017. Tensorflow: A system for large-scale machine learning. In 12th $USENIX$ Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation ($OSDI$ 17). 265–283. https://www.usenix.org/conference/osdi16/technical-sessions/presentation/abadi
5. Best of Both Worlds: AutoML Codesign of a CNN and its Hardware Accelerator