1. Weizmann Institute of Science
2. Illinois Wesleyan University
3. University of Waikato
Teaching computer architecture (at any level) is not an easy task.
To enhance learning, a critical mass of educators has begun using
simulator visualizations of different computer architectures. Here
we present three representative computer architecture simulators
for learning which show that there is a growing consensus for
computer simulation as a teaching tool for complex dynamic
processes, such as underlying computer operations. Simulators also
show the wide spectrum of pedagogical goals for teaching computer
organization and architecture. Specifically, the three simulators
we describe are (1) EasyCPU for the Intel 80x86 family of CPUs; (2)
Little Man Computer for a general von Neumann computer
architecture; and (3) RTLSim, a data path simulator for a MIPS-like
CPU. An appendix is provided for more detailed descriptions of each
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Reference11 articles.
1. Distributed expertise for teaching computer organization & architecture
2. HANRAHAN P. LEVOY M. AND ROSENBLUM M. 1996. Visualizing computer systems. HANRAHAN P. LEVOY M. AND ROSENBLUM M. 1996. Visualizing computer systems.
3. FAYZULLIN M. 2002. How to Write a Computer Emulator. FAYZULLIN M. 2002. How to Write a Computer Emulator .
4. Modeling the world-how it's blocked out on the Web
Cited by
22 articles.