Costa Fernando,Ferreira Paulo
Reference9 articles.
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3. F. Costa, L. Veiga, and P. Ferreira. Internet-scale support for map-reduce processing.Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 4(1): 18, 2013.
4. P. Cozza, C. Mastroianni, D. Talia, and I. Taylor. A super-peer model for multiple job submission on a grid. In W. Lehner, N. Meyer, A. Streit, and C. Stewart, editors,Euro-Par 2006: Parallel Processing, volume 4375 ofLecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 116--125. 2007.
5. G. Fedak, C. Germain, V. Neri, and F. Cappello. Xtremweb: A generic global computing system. InCluster Computing and the Grid, 2001. Proceedings. First IEEE/ACM International Symposium on, pages 582--587. IEEE, 2001.