1. The Perception of Walking Speed in a Virtual Environment
2. The effects of music tempo on simulated driving performance and vehicular control
3. The peloton bicycling simulator
4. L. Deligiannidis and R. J. K. Jacob. 2006. The VR Scooter: Wind and Tactile Feedback Improve User Performance. In 3D User Interfaces (3DUI'06). 143--150. 10.1109/VR.2006.131 L. Deligiannidis and R. J. K. Jacob. 2006. The VR Scooter: Wind and Tactile Feedback Improve User Performance. In 3D User Interfaces (3DUI'06). 143--150. 10.1109/VR.2006.131
5. Perception of Visual Speed While Moving.