1. The interaction of architecture and operating system design
2. Bhandarkar D. and Clark.D.W. Per. formance from architecure Comparing a RISC and a CISC with similar hardware organization .In Proceedings of the 4ht International Conferance on Architrcture Support for Programmoing Languages and Opertaing System (ASPLOS IV)(Santa Clara Calif. Apr.). 1991. pp310-319. 10.1145/106972.107003 Bhandarkar D. and Clark.D.W. Per. formance from architecure Comparing a RISC and a CISC with similar hardware organization .In Proceedings of the 4ht International Conferance on Architrcture Support for Programmoing Languages and Opertaing System (ASPLOS IV)(Santa Clara Calif. Apr.). 1991. pp310-319. 10.1145/106972.107003
3. Digital Equipment Corporation OpenVMS Calling Standerd .Digital Equiupement Crop. Maynard Mass 1992. Digital Equipment Corporation OpenVMS Calling Standerd .Digital Equiupement Crop. Maynard Mass 1992.
4. Leonard T. Ed. VAX Archiecture References Manual.Digital Press .Bayford Mass. 1987. Leonard T. Ed. VAX Archiecture References Manual.Digital Press .Bayford Mass. 1987.
5. Siste R. The Alpha AXp architecture Digital Tech J.4 4(JAn 1998).Alsoi this issue. 10.1145/151220.151226 Siste R. The Alpha AXp architecture Digital Tech J.4 4(JAn 1998).Alsoi this issue. 10.1145/151220.151226