1. Design Without Discipline
2. Holloway C. Austin V. Barbareschi G. and Ramos Barajas F. et al. Scoping research report on assistive technology: On the road for universal assistive technology coverage. Prepared by the GDI Hub & partners for the UK Department for International Development; https://bit.ly/2FZXmH8 Holloway C. Austin V. Barbareschi G. and Ramos Barajas F. et al. Scoping research report on assistive technology: On the road for universal assistive technology coverage. Prepared by the GDI Hub & partners for the UK Department for International Development; https://bit.ly/2FZXmH8
3. Predictors of Assistive Technology Abandonment
4. WHO | World report on disability; https://www.who.int/disabilities/world_report/2011/report/en/ WHO | World report on disability; https://www.who.int/disabilities/world_report/2011/report/en/
5. Technology for people, not disabilities: ensuring access and inclusion