1. The bibliography attempts to list the majority of papers books technical reports and reviews on computer communica - tion printed since the previous issue . Because journals are often printed and mailed several months after their ostensibl e publication date not all publications listed here are from journals dated in the past few months .
2. Where available abstracts or short descriptions of the document have been included with the citation . Reviews are indi - cated by reprinting the citation of the work reviewed along with a sub-citation of the review .
3. It is assumed that readers have easy access to a few major journals in the field . to conserve space articles in thes e publications are listed without an abstract . The journals are :
4. Computer Communication Review Distributed Computing IEEE Network Magazine IEEE Communications Magazine Computer Networks and ISDN System s IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communication s IEEE Transactions on Communication s Computer Communication s
5. This bibliography is compiled from the journals and conference proceedings that the editor regularly receives plus an y contributions from readers . Anyone wishing to contribute an entry to the bibliography may mail it to the edito r (oran@sneezy .lkg .dec .com) . All entries should contain the complete citation and a copy of the abstract . For books sen d a one paragraph description of the contents . Electronic mail submissions are preferred .