Design and Evaluation of a Silent Speech-Based Selection Method for Eye-Gaze Pointing


Pandey Laxmi1ORCID,Arif Ahmed Sabbir1ORCID


1. University of California, Merced, USA


We investigate silent speech as a hands-free selection method in eye-gaze pointing. We first propose a stripped-down image-based model that can recognize a small number of silent commands almost as fast as state-of-the-art speech recognition models. We then compare it with other hands-free selection methods (dwell, speech) in a Fitts' law study. Results revealed that speech and silent speech are comparable in throughput and selection time, but the latter is significantly more accurate than the other methods. A follow-up study revealed that target selection around the center of a display is significantly faster and more accurate, while around the top corners and the bottom are slower and error prone. We then present a method for selecting menu items with eye-gaze and silent speech. A study revealed that it significantly reduces task completion time and error rate.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Networks and Communications,Human-Computer Interaction,Social Sciences (miscellaneous)

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