1. Probabilistically Certified Management of Data Centers Using Predictive Control
2. Temperature management in data centers
3. R. Gupta, S. Asgari, H. Moazamigoodarzi, D. G. Down, and I. K. Puri. 2021. Energy, Exergy and Computing Efficiency Based Data Center Workload and Cooling Management. Applied Energy 299 (oct 2021), 117050.
4. S. MirhoseiniNejad, G. Badawy, and D. G. Down. 2018. EAWA: Energy-aware Workload Assignment in Data Centers. 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS) (2018), 36–44.
5. A Data-driven, Multi-setpoint Model Predictive Thermal Control System for Data Centers