A Recursive Algebraic Coloring Technique for Hardware-efficient Symmetric Sparse Matrix-vector Multiplication


Alappat Christie1,Basermann Achim2,Bishop Alan R.3,Fehske Holger4,Hager Georg5,Schenk Olaf6,Thies Jonas2,Wellein Gerhard1


1. Department of Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany

2. Simulation and Software Technology, German Aerospace Center, Linder Hoehe, Cologne, Germany

3. Science, Technology and Engineering Directorate, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA

4. Institute of Physics, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany

5. Erlangen Regional Computing Center, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

6. Institute of Computational Science, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland


The symmetric sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SymmSpMV) is an important building block for many numerical linear algebra kernel operations or graph traversal applications. Parallelizing SymmSpMV on today’s multicore platforms with up to 100 cores is difficult due to the need to manage conflicting updates on the result vector. Coloring approaches can be used to solve this problem without data duplication, but existing coloring algorithms do not take load balancing and deep memory hierarchies into account, hampering scalability and full-chip performance. In this work, we propose the recursive algebraic coloring engine (RACE), a novel coloring algorithm and open-source library implementation that eliminates the shortcomings of previous coloring methods in terms of hardware efficiency and parallelization overhead. We describe the level construction, distance- k coloring, and load balancing steps in RACE, use it to parallelize SymmSpMV, and compare its performance on 31 sparse matrices with other state-of-the-art coloring techniques and Intel MKL on two modern multicore processors. RACE outperforms all other approaches substantially. By means of a parameterized roofline model, we analyze the SymmSpMV performance in detail and discuss outliers. While we focus on SymmSpMV in this article, our algorithm and software are applicable to any sparse matrix operation with data dependencies that can be resolved by distance-k coloring.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computational Theory and Mathematics,Computer Science Applications,Hardware and Architecture,Modeling and Simulation,Software

Reference50 articles.

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