1. The Akamai network
2. Noe Garcia. A Quick Guide to Multi-CDNs: What to Consider What Kind to Deploy. https://www.maxcdn.com/blog/multi-cdns/ 2017. Online; accessed June 2017. Noe Garcia. A Quick Guide to Multi-CDNs: What to Consider What Kind to Deploy. https://www.maxcdn.com/blog/multi-cdns/ 2017. Online; accessed June 2017.
3. Emile Aben. RIPE 71 Measuring Multi-CDNs. https://ripe71.ripe.net/presentations/67-2015-11.multicdn.emileaben.pdf 2015. Online; accessed May 2017. Emile Aben. RIPE 71 Measuring Multi-CDNs. https://ripe71.ripe.net/presentations/67-2015-11.multicdn.emileaben.pdf 2015. Online; accessed May 2017.
4. Google Public DNS. https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/. Google Public DNS. https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/.
5. End-User Mapping