1. Carmichael A. 1999. Style Guide for the Design of Interactive Television Services for Elderly Viewers I.T. COMMISSION Ed. Kings Worthy Court Winchester. Carmichael A. 1999. Style Guide for the Design of Interactive Television Services for Elderly Viewers I.T. COMMISSION Ed. Kings Worthy Court Winchester.
2. Digital switchover or digital divide: a prognosis for usable and accessible interactive digital television in the UK
3. CENTRE OF ECONOMICPOLICY The Growing Elderly Population. Online. Accessed April 2008. http://www.cepr.org/pubs/bulletin/meets/416.htm CENTRE OF ECONOMICPOLICY The Growing Elderly Population. Online. Accessed April 2008. http://www.cepr.org/pubs/bulletin/meets/416.htm
4. The interactive television user experience so far
5. Fisk A.D. Rogers W.A. Charness N. Czaja S.J. and Sharit J. 2009. Designing for Older Adults - Principals and Creative Human Factors. Fisk A.D. Rogers W.A. Charness N. Czaja S.J. and Sharit J. 2009. Designing for Older Adults - Principals and Creative Human Factors.