Configurations of Digital Participatory Budgeting


Palacin Victoria1,McDonald Samantha2,Aragón Pablo3,Nelimarkka Matti4


1. University of Helsinki, Finland and University of Toronto, Digital Curation Institute, Canada

2. University of California Irvine, United States

3. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

4. University of Helsinki, Finland and Aalto University, Finland


Participatory budgeting is a democratic innovation increasingly supported by digital platforms. Like any technology, participatory budgeting platforms are not value-free or politically neutral; their design, configuration, and deployment display assumptions and configure participant behaviour. To understand what kinds of configurations occur and what kinds of democratic values they hold, we studied 31 digital participatory budgeting cases in Spain, France, and Finland. These cases were all supported by the same technical platform, Decidim , allowing us to focus on the variations in their configurations. We examined the data from these cases and identified 25 different technical configurations and 15 participatory budgeting configurations. The configurations observed in our cases exhibit individual and community-centred assumptions about expected state-society interactions, as well as open vs managerial approaches to participatory budgeting. Based on these findings, we highlight a dilemma for civic technology designers: to what degree should platforms be open to configuration and customisation, and which political values should be enforced by platform design?


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Human-Computer Interaction

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