Of Catwalk Technologies and Boundary Creatures


Adams Anne1,Fitzgerald Elizabeth1,Priestnall Gary2


1. Open University

2. University of Nottingham


Researchers designing and deploying technologies in the wild can find it difficult to balance pure innovation with scalable solutions. Tensions often relate to expectations around current and future roles of the technology development. We propose a catwalk technology metaphor where researchers as boundary creatures focus on innovation whilst providing links to prêt-à-porter (ready to wear) developments. Evidence from 140 participants, within three “in-the-wild” field-based learning case studies (for mobile, distributed, sensor and augmented reality systems), conceptualise the researchers’ “boundary creature” role in managing design process tensions. Stakeholders, including participants, expected the research projects to produce ready to wear (prêt-à-porter) boundary objects for current practices even when researchers sought to take catwalk approaches by innovating technologies and changing practices. The researcher design role (RDR) model articulates researchers’ narratives with the design team, stakeholders and users around what is innovated (e.g., technology, activities) and how the intervention changes or sustains current practices.



Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Higher Education Funding Council for England

University College London

Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

University Of Nottingham


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Human-Computer Interaction

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2. Supporting Access to Justice Through Volunteer Training: An Evaluation of an Open Educational Resource;Journal of Interactive Media in Education;2021

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