Asm2Seq: Explainable Assembly Code Functional Summary Generation for Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Analysis


Taviss Scarlett,Ding Steven H. H.,Zulkernine Mohammad,Charland Philippe,Acharya Sudipta1


1. School of Computing, Queen’s University, Canada and Mission Critical Cyber Security Section, Defence R&D Canada, Canada


Reverse engineering is the process of understanding the inner working of a software system without having the source code. It is critical for firmware security validation, software vulnerability research, and malware analysis. However, it often requires a significant amount of manual effort. Recently, data-driven solutions were proposed to reduce manual effort by identifying the code clones on the assembly or the source level. However, security analysts still have to understand the matched assembly or source code to develop an understanding of the functionality, and it is assumed that such a matched candidate always exists. This research bridges the gap by introducing the problem of assembly code summarization. Given the assembly code as input, we propose a machine-learning-based system that can produce human-readable summarizations of the functionalities in the context of code vulnerability analysis. We generate the first assembly code to function summary dataset and propose to leverage the encoder-decoder architecture. With the attention mechanism, it is possible to understand what aspects of the assembly code had the largest impact on generating the summary. Our experiment shows that the proposed solution achieves high accuracy and the Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) score. Finally, we have performed case studies on real-life CVE vulnerability cases to better understand the proposed method’s performance and practical implications.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Networks and Communications,Computer Science Applications,Hardware and Architecture,Safety Research,Information Systems,Software

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