1. Dual Averaging for Distributed Optimization: Convergence Analysis and Network Scaling
2. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
3. Kevin Hsieh , Aaron Harlap , Nandita Vijaykumar , Dimitris Konomis , Gregory R Ganger , Phillip B Gibbons , and Onur Mutlu . 2017 . Gaia: Geo-Distributed Machine Learning Approaching LAN Speeds. In 14th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 17) . 629–647. Kevin Hsieh, Aaron Harlap, Nandita Vijaykumar, Dimitris Konomis, Gregory R Ganger, Phillip B Gibbons, and Onur Mutlu. 2017. Gaia: Geo-Distributed Machine Learning Approaching LAN Speeds. In 14th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 17). 629–647.
4. Peter Kairouz , H Brendan McMahan , Brendan Avent , Aurélien Bellet , Mehdi Bennis , Arjun Nitin Bhagoji , Kallista Bonawitz , Zachary Charles , Graham Cormode , Rachel Cummings , 2021. Advances and open problems in federated learning. Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning 14, 1–2 ( 2021 ), 1–210. Peter Kairouz, H Brendan McMahan, Brendan Avent, Aurélien Bellet, Mehdi Bennis, Arjun Nitin Bhagoji, Kallista Bonawitz, Zachary Charles, Graham Cormode, Rachel Cummings, 2021. Advances and open problems in federated learning. Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning 14, 1–2 (2021), 1–210.
5. Model-Contrastive Federated Learning