1. Sinfonia
2. Yazeed Alabdulkarim Marwan Almaymoni and Shahram Ghandeharizadeh. 2017. Polygraph. Technical Report 2017-02 http://dblab.usc.edu/Users/papers/PolygraphMay2017.pdf. USC Database Laboratory. Yazeed Alabdulkarim Marwan Almaymoni and Shahram Ghandeharizadeh. 2017. Polygraph. Technical Report 2017-02 http://dblab.usc.edu/Users/papers/PolygraphMay2017.pdf. USC Database Laboratory.
3. S. Sanfilippo (antirez) and M. Kleppmann. 2018. Redlease and How To do distributed locking. http://redis.io/topics/distlock and http://martin.kleppmann.com/2016/02/08/how-to-do-distributed-locking.html. S. Sanfilippo (antirez) and M. Kleppmann. 2018. Redlease and How To do distributed locking. http://redis.io/topics/distlock and http://martin.kleppmann.com/2016/02/08/how-to-do-distributed-locking.html.
4. Workload analysis of a large-scale key-value store