1. 1
. "The Feds Love Linux " Erica Brown Forbes June 20 2003 http://www.forbes.com/2003/06/20/cz_eb_ 0620linux_print.html. 1. "The Feds Love Linux " Erica Brown Forbes June 20 2003 http://www.forbes.com/2003/06/20/cz_eb_ 0620linux_print.html.
2. 2
"OSSI Works with Navy " OSSI http://www. oss-institute.org/ossinavy.html (for password email questions@oss-institute.org). "Open Source Permeates Navoceano Systems " John Lever and John Weathersby CHIPS Summer 2002 http: //www.oss-institute.org/newspdf/CHIPSarticle.pdf. 2 "OSSI Works with Navy " OSSI http://www. oss-institute.org/ossinavy.html (for password email questions@oss-institute.org). "Open Source Permeates Navoceano Systems " John Lever and John Weathersby CHIPS Summer 2002 http: //www.oss-institute.org/newspdf/CHIPSarticle.pdf.
3. 4
"Use of Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) in the U.S. Department of Defense " MITRE Corporation January 2 2003 http://www.egovos.org/pdf/dodfoss.pdf. 4 "Use of Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) in the U.S. Department of Defense " MITRE Corporation January 2 2003 http://www.egovos.org/pdf/dodfoss.pdf.
4. 5
"A Business Case Study of Open Source Software " Carolyn A. Kenwood MITRE Corporation July 2001 http: //www.mitre.org/work/tech_papers/tech_papers_01/ kenwood_software/kenwood_software.pdf. 5 "A Business Case Study of Open Source Software " Carolyn A. Kenwood MITRE Corporation July 2001 http: //www.mitre.org/work/tech_papers/tech_papers_01/ kenwood_software/kenwood_software.pdf.