What every computer scientist should know about floating-point arithmetic


Goldberg David1


1. Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, CA


Floating-point arithmetic is considered as esoteric subject by many people. This is rather surprising, because floating-point is ubiquitous in computer systems: Almost every language has a floating-point datatype; computers from PCs to supercomputers have floating-point accelerators; most compilers will be called upon to compile floating-point algorithms from time to time; and virtually every operating system must respond to floating-point exceptions such as overflow. This paper presents a tutorial on the aspects of floating-point that have a direct impact on designers of computer systems. It begins with background on floating-point representation and rounding error, continues with a discussion of the IEEE floating point standard, and concludes with examples of how computer system builders can better support floating point.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


General Computer Science,Theoretical Computer Science

Reference32 articles.

1. ANSI 1978. American National Standard Programming Language FORTRAN ANSI Standard X3.9-1978. American National Standards Institute New York. ANSI 1978. American National Standard Programming Language FORTRAN ANSI Standard X3.9-1978. American National Standards Institute New York.

2. BARNETT D. 1987. A portable floating-point environment. Unpublished manuscript. BARNETT D. 1987. A portable floating-point environment. Unpublished manuscript.

3. A Simple but Realistic Model of Floating-Point Computation

4. CARDELLI L. DONAHUE J. GLASSMAN L. JORDAN M. KASLOW B. AND NELSON G. 1989. Modula-3 Report (revised). Digital Systems Research Center Report *~52 Palo Alto Calif. CARDELLI L. DONAHUE J. GLASSMAN L. JORDAN M. KASLOW B. AND NELSON G. 1989. Modula-3 Report (revised). Digital Systems Research Center Report *~52 Palo Alto Calif.

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