1. Piggybacking Robots
2. Boudette N.E. Tesla's self-driving system cleared in deadly crash. The New York Times (Jan. 2017). Boudette N.E. Tesla's self-driving system cleared in deadly crash. The New York Times (Jan. 2017).
3. Gunning D. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). Defense Advanced Research Projects agency; https://bit.ly/2x2sS3P Gunning D. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). Defense Advanced Research Projects agency; https://bit.ly/2x2sS3P
4. Lee T.B. Car companies' vision of a gradual transition to self-driving cars has a big problem. Vox (July 5 2017); https://bit.ly/2tLUAzp Lee T.B. Car companies' vision of a gradual transition to self-driving cars has a big problem. Vox (July 5 2017); https://bit.ly/2tLUAzp