1. CopY W.J. MACHAR: A subroutine to dynamically determine machine parameters ACM Truns. Math. Softw. 14 4 (Dec. 1988) 303-311. 10.1145/50063.51907 CopY W.J. MACHAR: A subroutine to dynamically determine machine parameters ACM Truns. Math. Softw. 14 4 (Dec. 1988) 303-311. 10.1145/50063.51907
2. ConY W. J. ANn W^~TE W. Software Manual for the Elementary Funchons. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs N.J. 1980. (ELEFUNT source is available electronically from netlib~ ornl.gov and on diskette from either C. Abaci 208 St. Mary's Street Raleigh NC 27605 or National Energy Software Center Argonne National Laboratow 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne IL 60439.) ConY W. J. ANn W^~TE W. Software Manual for the Elementary Funchons. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs N.J. 1980. (ELEFUNT source is available electronically from netlib~ ornl.gov and on diskette from either C. Abaci 208 St. Mary's Street Raleigh NC 27605 or National Energy Software Center Argonne National Laboratow 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne IL 60439.)
3. LIu Z.A. Berkeley elementary function test suite. M.S. thesis Computer Science Div. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Univ. of California at Berkeley Dec. 1987. LIu Z.A. Berkeley elementary function test suite. M.S. thesis Computer Science Div. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Univ. of California at Berkeley Dec. 1987.