1. com.atypon.pdfplus.internal.model.plusxml.impl.AuthorGroup@5b4eec64
Computer System Evaluation and Selectwn-- An Annotated Bibhography and Keyword Index College Readings Arlington Va 1971. BASSLER RICHARD A. AND DEM00DY HAROLD C. Computer System Evaluation and Selectwn-- An Annotated Bibhography and Keyword Index College Readings Arlington Va 1971.
2. com.atypon.pdfplus.internal.model.plusxml.impl.AuthorGroup@51b68714
Computer Selection Addision-Wesley Reading Mass. 1968. JosHN EWDARD O. Computer Selection Addision-Wesley Reading Mass. 1968.
3. com.atypon.pdfplus.internal.model.plusxml.impl.AuthorGroup@14b41346
(Ed.) Analysis Design and Selection o/Computer Systems College Readings Arlington Va. 1971. JOSUIN EDWARD O. (Ed.) Analysis Design and Selection o/Computer Systems College Readings Arlington Va. 1971.