Concurrent Programming Concepts


Hansen Per Brinch1


1. Information Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


General Computer Science,Theoretical Computer Science

Reference11 articles.

1. BRINCH t-IANSKN P. Operating system principles. Prentice-Hall Englewood Chffs New Jersey (July 1973). An introduction to operating systems covering sequential and concurrent processes processor and store management schedulmg algorithms and resource protectmn. Descnbes the RC 4000 multlprogramming system in detail. Introduces a programmmg language notation for momtors based on the class concept of SIMULA 67. BRINCH t-IANSKN P. Operating system principles. Prentice-Hall Englewood Chffs New Jersey (July 1973). An introduction to operating systems covering sequential and concurrent processes processor and store management schedulmg algorithms and resource protectmn. Descnbes the RC 4000 multlprogramming system in detail. Introduces a programmmg language notation for momtors based on the class concept of SIMULA 67.

2. Structured multiprogramming

3. The programming language Pascal;TH N.;Acta In}o, matwa,1971

4. DIJKSTRA E. W. "Cooperating sequential processes" m Programming Languages F. Genuys. (Ed.) Academic Press New York New York 1968. The classical monograph that introduced concurrent statements semaphores and cntmal regmns It also contains Dekker's solutmn to the mutual exclusmn problem. DIJKSTRA E. W. "Cooperating sequential processes" m Programming Languages F. Genuys. (Ed.) Academic Press New York New York 1968. The classical monograph that introduced concurrent statements semaphores and cntmal regmns It also contains Dekker's solutmn to the mutual exclusmn problem.

5. Synchronization of communicating processes

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1. Divergence Reduction in Monte Carlo Neutron Transport with On-GPU Asynchronous Scheduling;ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation;2024-01-14

2. Methodische und technische Grundlagen;Echtzeitsysteme;2019-11-27

3. Highly Parallel Seedless Random Number Generation from Arbitrary Thread Schedule Reconstruction;2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge (ICBK);2019-11

4. Concurrency: Handling Interference Formally;Lecture Notes in Computer Science;2018

5. Atomicity*;Understanding Control Flow;2016







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