International Symposium on Wen-Tsun Wu's Academic Thought and Mathematics Mechanization


Academy of Mathematics and Systems 1


1. Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


During May 12-17, 2019, shall we celebrate the late famous mathematician Wen-Tsun Wu's centenary birthday. Professor Wen-Tsun Wu is one of the most internationally influential mathematicians in China, who brought far-reaching influence on both mathematics and computer research by his great contributions to the field of topology and the opening of the new area of Mathematics Mechanization. His research includes algebraic topology, di.erential topology, mathematics mechanization, algebraic geometry, game theory as well as the history of mathematics. His work has been regarded as among the greatest classical influential results in topology. In late 1970s, he opened the area of mathematics mechanization by the so-called "Wu method" which automatically proves geometric theorems using computers and was taken as the pioneer work in automatic reasoning. The symposium focuses on his achievements in topology, mathematics mechanization as well as the history of mathematics, and casts light on their future prospects and potential applications. Specific topics for the symposium include but are not limited to: •Algebraic topology •Automated reasoning •Computational algebraic geometry and optimization •Computational geometry and topology •Computational number theory •Coding theory and cryptology •Di.erential and di.erence algebras •History of mathematics •Polynomial equation solving •Symbolic or symbolic-numeric computation •Applications of mathematical mechanization


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Reference24 articles.

1. Phil. Soc. (Math;Atiyah M.F.;Phys. Sci),1961

2. Relèvement de cycles algébriques et homomorphismes associé; s en homologie d’intersection [Lifting of algebraic cycles and associated homomorphisms in intersection homology];Brasselet J.P.;Ann. of Math.,1995

3. A. Borel et al Intersection Cohomology Progress in Mathematics 50 Swiss seminars Boston (1984) ISBN: 0-8176-3274-3.

4. Intersection homology with field coe cients: K-Witt spaces and K-Witt bordism;Friedman G.;Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics,2009







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