Mining Geospatial Relationships from Text


Balsebre Pasquale1ORCID,Yao Dezhong2ORCID,Cong Gao1ORCID,Huang Weiming1ORCID,Hai Zhen3ORCID


1. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore

2. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

3. DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group, Singapore, Singapore


A geospatial Knowledge Graph (KG) is a heterogeneous information network, capable of representing relationships between spatial entities in a machine-interpretable format, and has tremendous applications in logistics and social networks. Existing efforts to build a geospatial KG, have mainly used sparse spatial relationships, e.g., a district located inside a city, which provide only marginal benefits compared to a traditional database. In spite of the substantial advances in the tasks of link prediction and knowledge graph completion, identifying geospatial relationships remains challenging, particularly due to the fact that spatial entities are represented with single-point geometries, and textual attributes are frequently missing. In this study, we present GTMiner, a novel framework capable of jointly modeling Geospatial and Textual information to construct a knowledge graph, by mining three useful spatial relationships from a geospatial database, in an end-to-end fashion. The system is divided into three components: (1) a Candidate Selection module, to efficiently select a small number of candidate pairs; (2) a Relation Prediction component to predict spatial relationships between the entities; (3) a KG Refinement procedure, to improve both coverage and correctness of a geospatial knowledge graph. We carry out experiments on four cities' geospatial databases, from publicly-available sources and compare with existing algorithms for link prediction and geospatial data integration. Finally, we conduct an ablation study to motivate our design choices and an efficiency analysis to show that the time required by GTMiner for training and inference is comparable, or even shorter, than existing solutions.



National Natural Science Foundation of China

Alibaba-NTU Singapore Joint Research Institute

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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