1. IOT-A: Internet of Things Architecture. http://www.iot-a.eu/public. IOT-A: Internet of Things Architecture. http://www.iot-a.eu/public.
2. libuid - The ONF OpenFlow driver. http://opennetworkingfoundation.github.io/libfluid/index.html. libuid - The ONF OpenFlow driver. http://opennetworkingfoundation.github.io/libfluid/index.html.
3. Open vSwitch. http://openvswitch.org/. Open vSwitch. http://openvswitch.org/.
4. OpenWRT. http://openwrt.org. OpenWRT. http://openwrt.org.
5. REMOA - Rede Cidadã de Monitoramento de Ambiente Baseado no Conceito de Internet das Coisas. http://remoa.tche.br. REMOA - Rede Cidadã de Monitoramento de Ambiente Baseado no Conceito de Internet das Coisas. http://remoa.tche.br.