1. Akamai Technologies. Community Blog FAQ: QUIC Native Platform Support for Media Delivery Products. https://tinyurl.com/yab23e4f March 2018. Akamai Technologies. Community Blog FAQ: QUIC Native Platform Support for Media Delivery Products. https://tinyurl.com/yab23e4f March 2018.
2. Priority encoding transmission
3. Not so QUIC
4. S. Bouzas. Why the Meteoric Rise of Google QUIC is Worrying Mobile Operators. https://tinyurl.com/y927mctq January 2018. S. Bouzas. Why the Meteoric Rise of Google QUIC is Worrying Mobile Operators. https://tinyurl.com/y927mctq January 2018.
5. The delay-friendliness of TCP