DGF: A Dense, Hardware-Friendly Geometry Format for Lossily Compressing Meshlets with Arbitrary Topologies


Barczak Joshua1ORCID,Benthin Carsten2ORCID,McAllister David1ORCID


1. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., USA

2. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Germany


The widespread availability of hardware accelerated ray tracing solutions is driving a gradual sea-change in the real-time graphics space. The major graphics APIs now offer standardized support for accelerated ray tracing. In the same time frame, rasterization-based systems such as Nanite [Karis et al. 2021] have significantly raised geometric complexity in games. The state of the art in raster graphics now enables lossy compressed geometry representations that are decoded on the-fly during rendering. This trend conflicts with current ray tracing interfaces, which require opaque acceleration structures to be built from uncompressed input data. This paper seeks to close the gap by defining a block-compressed geometry format that is designed for arbitrary geometry topologies and can be directly consumed by future fixed-function hardware.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Reference39 articles.

1. Pierre Alliez and Craig Gotsman. 2005. Recent Advances in Compression of 3D Meshes. (2005) 3--26.

2. AMD. 2024a. GPU Raytracing Library. Retrieved April 22, 2024 from https://github.com/GPUOpen-Drivers/gpurt

3. AMD. 2024b. Radeon GPU Profiler. Retrieved April 22, 2024 from https://gpuopen.com/rgp/

4. Apple. 2023. Metal Documentation. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal

5. Carsten Benthin and Christoph Peters. 2023. Real-Time Ray Tracing of Micro-Poly Geometry with Hierarchical Level of Detail. Computer Graphics Forum 42, 8 (2023).








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