1. 2017. How Do Bright Colors Appeal to Kids? https://sciencing.com/do-bright-colors-appeal-kids-5476948.html 2017. How Do Bright Colors Appeal to Kids? https://sciencing.com/do-bright-colors-appeal-kids-5476948.html
2. 2017. Renk Etkisi | The Effect of Color | The Effects of Colors on Children. http://renketkisi.com/en/the-effects-of-colors-on-children.html 2017. Renk Etkisi | The Effect of Color | The Effects of Colors on Children. http://renketkisi.com/en/the-effects-of-colors-on-children.html
3. 2017. WHO | Facts and figures on childhood obesity. http://www.who.int/end-childhood-obesity/facts/en/ 2017. WHO | Facts and figures on childhood obesity. http://www.who.int/end-childhood-obesity/facts/en/
4. Cooperative inquiry
5. Child computer interaction