Deterministic Network Exploration by Anonymous Silent Agents with Local Traffic Reports


Dieudonné Yoann1,Pelc Andrzej2


1. Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France

2. Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada


A team consisting of an unknown number of mobile agents starting from different nodes of an unknown network, possibly at different times, have to explore the network: Every node must be visited by at least one agent, and all agents must eventually stop. Agents are anonymous (identical), execute the same deterministic algorithm, and move in synchronous rounds along links of the network. They are silent: They cannot send any messages to other agents or mark visited nodes in any way. In the absence of any additional information, exploration with termination of an arbitrary network in this model, devoid of any means of communication between agents, is impossible. Our aim is to solve the exploration problem by giving to agents very restricted local traffic reports . Specifically, an agent that is at a node v in a given round is provided with three bits of information answering the following questions: Am I alone at v ? Did any agent enter v in this round? Did any agent exit v in this round? We show that this small amount of information permits us to solve the exploration problem in arbitrary networks. More precisely, we give a deterministic terminating exploration algorithm working in arbitrary networks for all initial configurations that are not perfectly symmetric ; that is, in which there are agents with different views of the network. The algorithm works in polynomial time in the (unknown) size of the network. A deterministic terminating exploration algorithm working for all initial configurations in arbitrary networks does not exist.


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Research Chair in Distributed Computing at the Université du Québec en Outaouais


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Mathematics (miscellaneous)

Reference28 articles.

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5. Piecemeal graph exploration by a mobile robot (extended abstract)

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1. Efficient live exploration of a dynamic ring with mobile robots;Theoretical Computer Science;2023-11

2. Want to Gather? No Need to Chatter!;SIAM Journal on Computing;2023-03-15

3. Exploring a dynamic ring without landmark;Theoretical Computer Science;2022-09

4. Brief Announcement: Gathering Despite a Linear Number of Weakly Byzantine Agents;Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing;2022-07-20

5. Exploration of dynamic networks: Tight bounds on the number of agents;Journal of Computer and System Sciences;2021-12







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