1. User's guide to correlation coefficients
2. Omid Alipourfard , Hongqiang Harry Liu , Jianshu Chen , Shivaram Venkataraman , Minlan Yu , and Ming Zhang . 2017 . Cherrypick: Adaptively Unearthing the Best Cloud Configurations for Big Data Analytics . In Proceedings of the 14th USENIX Conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation ( Boston, MA, USA) (NSDI'17). USENIX Association, USA, 469--482. https://www.usenix.org/conference/nsdi17/technical-sessions/presentation/alipourfard Omid Alipourfard, Hongqiang Harry Liu, Jianshu Chen, Shivaram Venkataraman, Minlan Yu, and Ming Zhang. 2017. Cherrypick: Adaptively Unearthing the Best Cloud Configurations for Big Data Analytics. In Proceedings of the 14th USENIX Conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (Boston, MA, USA) (NSDI'17). USENIX Association, USA, 469--482. https://www.usenix.org/conference/nsdi17/technical-sessions/presentation/alipourfard
3. Predicting the performance of big data applications on the cloud
4. Spark SQL
5. A Cost Model for SPARK SQL