Standards for Hardware Security


Guin Ujjwal1,Asadizanjani Navid2,Tehranipoor Mark2


1. Auburn University, Auburn, AL

2. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA


Due to the globalization of design, manufacturing and distribution of integrated circuits (ICs), hardware underlying information systems have become increasingly vulnerable to a number of malicious attacks, primarily counterfeiting of ICs and piracy of intellectual properties (IPs). To ensure the security of our critical infrastructure, the use of trusted hardware is absolutely necessary. There are a handful of standards, either currently available today or in progress, that provide guidance to undertake hardware security issues. This article focuses on the standardization activity in the domain of hardware security.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Reference16 articles.

1. "The Committee's Investigation into Counterfeit Electronic Parts in the Department of Defense Supply Chain " Committee on Armed Services United States Senate 2011. https://www.govinfo. gov/content/pkg/CHRG-112shrg72702/pdf/ CHRG-112shrg72702.pdf "The Committee's Investigation into Counterfeit Electronic Parts in the Department of Defense Supply Chain " Committee on Armed Services United States Senate 2011. https://www.govinfo. gov/content/pkg/CHRG-112shrg72702/pdf/ CHRG-112shrg72702.pdf

2. "Senate Armed Services Committee Releases Report on Counterfeit Electronic Parts " U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services Press Release 2012. https://www.armed-services. releases-report-on-counterfeitelectronic- parts "Senate Armed Services Committee Releases Report on Counterfeit Electronic Parts " U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services Press Release 2012. https://www.armed-services. releases-report-on-counterfeitelectronic- parts

3. "Top 5 Most Counterfeited Parts Represent a $169 Billion Potential Challenge for Global Semiconductor Market " https://technology.ihs. com/405654/top-5-most-counterfeited-partsrepresent- a-169-billion-potential-challenge-forglobal- semiconductor-market IHS iSuppli 2011.4 "Top 5 Most Counterfeited Parts Represent a $169 Billion Potential Challenge for Global Semiconductor Market " https://technology.ihs. com/405654/top-5-most-counterfeited-partsrepresent- a-169-billion-potential-challenge-forglobal- semiconductor-market IHS iSuppli 2011.4

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