1. Carmelo Ardito , Paolo Buono , Giuseppe Desolda , Rosa Lanzilotti , and Maristella Matera . 2019 . Enabling Non-Technical Users to Shape their own Automation Experience . In In Proceedings of the workshop ”Everyday Automation Experience’19” in conjunction with CHI’19 . Carmelo Ardito, Paolo Buono, Giuseppe Desolda, Rosa Lanzilotti, and Maristella Matera. 2019. Enabling Non-Technical Users to Shape their own Automation Experience. In In Proceedings of the workshop ”Everyday Automation Experience’19” in conjunction with CHI’19.
2. Claire Battershill and Shawna Ross . 2017. Using digital humanities in the classroom: a practical introduction for teachers, lecturers, and students . Bloomsbury Academic , London Oxford New York New Delhi Sydney. Claire Battershill and Shawna Ross. 2017. Using digital humanities in the classroom: a practical introduction for teachers, lecturers, and students. Bloomsbury Academic, London Oxford New York New Delhi Sydney.
3. Nancy Boyles . 2012. We can’t wait until middle school to teach students to read closely. Three practices bring close reading to the lower grades.Educational Leadership December 2012 /January 2013 (2012), 36–41. Nancy Boyles. 2012. We can’t wait until middle school to teach students to read closely. Three practices bring close reading to the lower grades.Educational Leadership December 2012/January 2013 (2012), 36–41.
4. Using thematic analysis in psychology
5. Reflecting on reflexive thematic analysis