1. Personal computer networks and graphical animation
2. Pato Joseph N. Reiss Steven P. and Brown Marc H. "Brown University Workstation Environment Summary Paper " Technical Report Brown University Providence RI 1983. Pato Joseph N. Reiss Steven P. and Brown Marc H. "Brown University Workstation Environment Summary Paper " Technical Report Brown University Providence RI 1983.
3. Shipp William S. Meyrowitz Norman and van Dam Andries "Networks of Scholar's Workstations in a University Community " in Proc. of the IEEE Compcon Fall 1983. Shipp William S. Meyrowitz Norman and van Dam Andries "Networks of Scholar's Workstations in a University Community " in Proc. of the IEEE Compcon Fall 1983.
4. Sedgewick Robert and Vitter Jeffrey S. "Shortest Paths in Euclidean Graphs " Technical Report Brown University Providence RI 1984. Sedgewick Robert and Vitter Jeffrey S. "Shortest Paths in Euclidean Graphs " Technical Report Brown University Providence RI 1984.