1. Charles University, Czech Republic and Berufsakademie Sachsen, Germany
2. Charles University, Czech Republic
In full-color inkjet 3D printing, a key problem is determining the material configuration for the millions of voxels that a printed object is made of. The goal is a configuration that minimises the difference between desired target appearance and the result of the printing process. So far, the techniques used to find such a configuration have relied on domain-specific methods or heuristic optimization, which allowed only a limited level of control over the resulting appearance.
We propose to use differentiable volume rendering in a continuous material-mixture space, which leads to a framework that can be used as a general tool for optimising inkjet 3D printouts. We demonstrate the technical feasibility of this approach, and use it to attain fine control over the fabricated appearance, and high levels of faithfulness to the specified target.
Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Grantová Agentura České Republiky
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
Reference52 articles.
1. Martín Abadi Ashish Agarwal Paul Barham Eugene Brevdo Zhifeng Chen Craig Citro Greg S. Corrado Andy Davis Jeffrey Dean Matthieu Devin Sanjay Ghemawat Ian Goodfellow Andrew Harp Geoffrey Irving Michael Isard Yangqing Jia Rafal Jozefowicz Lukasz Kaiser Manjunath Kudlur Josh Levenberg Dan Mané Rajat Monga Sherry Moore Derek Murray Chris Olah Mike Schuster Jonathon Shlens Benoit Steiner Ilya Sutskever Kunal Talwar Paul Tucker Vincent Vanhoucke Vijay Vasudevan Fernanda Viégas Oriol Vinyals Pete Warden Martin Wattenberg Martin Wicke Yuan Yu and Xiaoqiang Zheng. 2015. TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Systems. Software available from Martín Abadi Ashish Agarwal Paul Barham Eugene Brevdo Zhifeng Chen Craig Citro Greg S. Corrado Andy Davis Jeffrey Dean Matthieu Devin Sanjay Ghemawat Ian Goodfellow Andrew Harp Geoffrey Irving Michael Isard Yangqing Jia Rafal Jozefowicz Lukasz Kaiser Manjunath Kudlur Josh Levenberg Dan Mané Rajat Monga Sherry Moore Derek Murray Chris Olah Mike Schuster Jonathon Shlens Benoit Steiner Ilya Sutskever Kunal Talwar Paul Tucker Vincent Vanhoucke Vijay Vasudevan Fernanda Viégas Oriol Vinyals Pete Warden Martin Wattenberg Martin Wicke Yuan Yu and Xiaoqiang Zheng. 2015. TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Systems. Software available from
2. Mixed integer ink selection for spectral reproduction
3. Computational design of nanostructural color for additive manufacturing
4. Color contoning for 3D printing
Cited by
14 articles.