
Li Ruihui1,Li Xianzhi1,Hui Ka-Hei1,Fu Chi-Wing1


1. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China


We present SP-GAN, a new unsupervised sphere-guided generative model for direct synthesis of 3D shapes in the form of point clouds. Compared with existing models, SP-GAN is able to synthesize diverse and high-quality shapes with fine details and promote controllability for part-aware shape generation and manipulation, yet trainable without any parts annotations. In SP-GAN, we incorporate a global prior (uniform points on a sphere) to spatially guide the generative process and attach a local prior (a random latent code) to each sphere point to provide local details. The key insight in our design is to disentangle the complex 3D shape generation task into a global shape modeling and a local structure adjustment, to ease the learning process and enhance the shape generation quality. Also, our model forms an implicit dense correspondence between the sphere points and points in every generated shape, enabling various forms of structure-aware shape manipulations such as part editing, part-wise shape interpolation, and multi-shape part composition, etc., beyond the existing generative models. Experimental results, which include both visual and quantitative evaluations, demonstrate that our model is able to synthesize diverse point clouds with fine details and less noise, as compared with the state-of-the-art models.


The Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design

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1. Diverse part synthesis for 3D shape creation;Computer-Aided Design;2024-10

2. Stage-Aware Interaction Network for Point Cloud Completion;Electronics;2024-08-20

3. CNS-Edit: 3D Shape Editing via Coupled Neural Shape Optimization;Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Conference Papers '24;2024-07-13

4. Point-StyleGAN: Multi-scale point cloud synthesis with style modulation;Computer Aided Geometric Design;2024-06

5. Survey on Visual Signal Coding and Processing With Generative Models: Technologies, Standards, and Optimization;IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems;2024-06








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