1. RALSTON A. AND WILF I~I. S MathematicaZ Methods for D~g~tal Computers p. 236. New York London 1960. RALSTON A. AND WILF I~I. S MathematicaZ Methods for D~g~tal Computers p. 236. New York London 1960.
2. The Down-Hill Method of Solving
= 0
3. SCHUR I. Uber Potenzreihen die in Innern des Elnheltskreises beschrankt sind J. Reine Angew Math. 138 (1918) 134 See also M Marden The Geometry of lhe Zeros of a Polynomial ~n a Complex Variable. Amer. Math Soc Surveys No 3 New York 1949 Ch 10 SCHUR I. Uber Potenzreihen die in Innern des Elnheltskreises beschrankt sind J. Reine Angew Math. 138 (1918) 134 See also M Marden The Geometry of lhe Zeros of a Polynomial ~n a Complex Variable. Amer. Math Soc Surveys No 3 New York 1949 Ch 10
4. A new general method for finding roots of polynomial equations Math;MOORE E. F;Tables. A~ds Comput,1949