Algorithm 776: SRRIT


Bai Z.1,Stewart G. W.2


1. Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington

2. Univ. of Maryland, College Park


SRRT is a Fortran program to calculate an approximate orthonomral basis fr a dominant invariant subspace of a real matrix A by the method of simultaneous iteration. Specifically, given an integer m , SRRIT computes a matrix Q with m orthonormal columns and real quasi-triangular matrix T or order m such that the equation AQ = QT is satisfied up to a tolerance specified by the user. The eigenvalues of T are approximations to the m eigenvalues of largest absolute magnitude of A and the columns of Q span the invariant subspace corresponding to those eigenvalues. SRRIT references A only through a user-provided subroutine to form the product AQ ; hence it is suitable for large sparse problems.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Applied Mathematics,Software

Reference17 articles.

1. ANDERSON E. BAI Z. BISCHOF C. H. DEMMEL J. DONGARRA J. J. Du CROZ J. GREENBAUM A. HAMMARLING S. MCKENNEY A. OSTROUCHOV S. AND SORENSEN D.C. 1995. LAPACK User's Guide. 2nd ed. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Philadelphia PA. ANDERSON E. BAI Z. BISCHOF C. H. DEMMEL J. DONGARRA J. J. Du CROZ J. GREENBAUM A. HAMMARLING S. MCKENNEY A. OSTROUCHOV S. AND SORENSEN D.C. 1995. LAPACK User's Guide. 2nd ed. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Philadelphia PA.

2. On swapping diagonal blocks in real Schur form

3. Das Verfahren der Treppeniteration und verwandte Verfahren zur Lösung algebraischer Eigenwertprobleme

4. The evaluation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric matrices by simultaneous iteration

5. Computing selected eigenvalues of sparse unsymmetric matrices using subspace iteration

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