1. Vannevar Bush. 1967. As we may think. The growth of knowledge: readings on organization and retrieval of information (1967) 23--35. Vannevar Bush. 1967. As we may think. The growth of knowledge: readings on organization and retrieval of information (1967) 23--35.
2. Life editing
3. Sarah Clinch Nigel Davies Mateusz Mikusz Paul Metzger Marc Langheinrich Albrecht Schmidt and Geoff Ward. The Big Picture: Lessons Learned from Collecting Shared Experiences through Lifelogging. (????). http://www.research.lancs.ac.uk/portal/services/downloadRegister/106871999/PC_PC_2015_02_0011.R1_Clinch.pdf Sarah Clinch Nigel Davies Mateusz Mikusz Paul Metzger Marc Langheinrich Albrecht Schmidt and Geoff Ward. The Big Picture: Lessons Learned from Collecting Shared Experiences through Lifelogging. (????). http://www.research.lancs.ac.uk/portal/services/downloadRegister/106871999/PC_PC_2015_02_0011.R1_Clinch.pdf
4. Lifelogging for 'observer' view memories
5. Security and Privacy Implications of Pervasive Memory Augmentation