1. Muhammad Ejaz Ahmed , Il-Youp Kwak , Jun Ho Huh , Iljoo Kim , Taekkyung Oh , and Hyoungshick Kim . 2020 . Void: A fast and light voice liveness detection system . In 29th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 20) . 2685–2702. Muhammad Ejaz Ahmed, Il-Youp Kwak, Jun Ho Huh, Iljoo Kim, Taekkyung Oh, and Hyoungshick Kim. 2020. Void: A fast and light voice liveness detection system. In 29th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 20). 2685–2702.
2. Keystroke Recognition Using WiFi Signals
3. Recognizing Keystrokes Using WiFi Devices
4. Zach Banks and Eric Van Albert. 2015. Looping Surveillance Cameras through Live Editing of Network Streams. https://infocondb.org/con/def-con/def-con-23/looping-surveillance-cameras-through-live-editing-of-network-streams. Zach Banks and Eric Van Albert. 2015. Looping Surveillance Cameras through Live Editing of Network Streams. https://infocondb.org/con/def-con/def-con-23/looping-surveillance-cameras-through-live-editing-of-network-streams.
5. Hello, Is It Me You're Looking For?