1. Studying the effectiveness of application performance management (APM) tools for detecting performance regressions for web applications
2. Vaastav Anand , Matheus Stolet , Thomas Davidson , Ivan Beschastnikh , Tamara Munzner , and Jonathan Mace . 2020. Aggregate-Driven Trace Visualizations for Performance Debugging. arXiv : 2010 .13681 [cs] Number : arXiv:2010.13681. Vaastav Anand, Matheus Stolet, Thomas Davidson, Ivan Beschastnikh, Tamara Munzner, and Jonathan Mace. 2020. Aggregate-Driven Trace Visualizations for Performance Debugging. arXiv: 2010.13681 [cs] Number: arXiv:2010.13681.
4. DeCaf