1. {4} R. Beigel and J. Goldsmith. Downward separation fails catastrophically for limited nondeterminism classes. Submitted ftp://ftp.cs.yale.edu/pub/beigel/bg-beta-draft.PS.gz. {4} R. Beigel and J. Goldsmith. Downward separation fails catastrophically for limited nondeterminism classes. Submitted ftp://ftp.cs.yale.edu/pub/beigel/bg-beta-draft.PS.gz.
2. {5} S.A. Bloch J.F. Buss and J. Goldsmith. Sharply bounded alternation within P. Submitted http://www.cs.engr.uky.edu/~goldsmit/main.ps. {5} S.A. Bloch J.F. Buss and J. Goldsmith. Sharply bounded alternation within P. Submitted http://www.cs.engr.uky.edu/~goldsmit/main.ps.
3. How hard are
-hard problems?